Beyond The Wall — US/Mexico

After cycling for 4500 km in Mexico over the course of five months, I hit a massive wall in Tijuana which halted my journey to the north. I have always been fascinated by international borders so I spent a few days in Tijuana to observe the US/Mexico wall. Read my full essay on Facebook.

Crossing the Equator Line

After staying in Quito for six weeks, working tirelessly day and night from the hotel room on a dozen photo essays that I recently published on Facebook I was back on the road. My bicycle felt heavier but my wallet, much lighter, with a little money left for the next leg of the travel. Leaving … Read more

10,000 km

Cycling along the Utcubamba river in North Peru today, my bicycle and I achieved a little milestone on this journey. We completed 10,000 km out of 25,000 km from Ushuaia to Alaska. It was hot today but the sun was behind the clouds, so I took a little break along the road and tried to … Read more